Central Zone Disability Swimming

Philosophy of USA-S Disability Swimming

USA Swimming encourages people with disabilities to participate in the sport of swimming and facilitates their inclusion in USA Swimming programs through education and collaboration.

We seek to involve people with disabilities in existing competitions and programs for all swimmers, rather than provide unique disability-only opportunities.

Central Zone Disability Chair - Susan Mechler

Goals for the Central Zone:

Organize the Central Zone Disability Chairs into the following groups for education and consistent information across the Zone.


Work with other Chairs to develop consistent information and materials across the Zone in regard to USA-S swimmers with a disability, groupings, necessary accomodations, information on workshops, clinics about coaching a swimmer with a disability, and anything else this group determines is necessary.


Work with other Chairs to develop consistent information and materials across the Zone regarding meet setup, entry of disability swimmers into competition. Topics for officials include, but are not limited to communication between coach and meet personnel, and referee and officiating team.


Work with other Chairs to develop consistent information and materials across the Zone to identify potential athletes. Help parents learn and navigate getting a swimmer with a disability started with swimming. Be a contact for learning and navigating swimming programs beyond USA Swimming.


Expand the current Central Zone entry procedure for swimmers with a disability to reflect USA-S swimmers with a disability terminology, qualifying times and procedures across Central Zone Championship Meets. Develop athlete led social media engagement.

Resources for Central Zone Leaders

Below, you'll find resources for Central Zone leaders to help ensure fair and fun competitions for swimmers with disabilities at LSC, Zone, and Sectional level meets.

Summary Documents:

2024-2028 Parallel Time Standards:

For more resources, please see the USA Swimming Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion homepage.